Municipal Collection Calendars
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(6 Results Found)12:05 AM| Amherstburg
Please see the PDF of your calendar if you don’t know which day you receive garbage collection.
Place garbage out the night before collection day.
12:05 AM| Kingsville
Please see the PDF of your calendar if you don’t know which day you receive garbage collection.
Place garbage out the night before collection day.
12:05 AM| Kingsville
Please call 519-733-2305 (the week prior) to be placed on a list for pick up.
12:05 AM| LaSalle
Please see the PDF of your calendar if you don’t know which day you receive garbage collection.
Place garbage out the night before your scheduled collection day.
12:05 AM| Leamington
Please see the PDF of your calendar if you don’t know which day you receive garbage collection.
Place garbage out for collection, the night before, or no later than 6:00 a.m., on your collection day.
12:05 AM| Leamington
Please see the PDF of your calendar if you don’t know which day you receive recycling collection.
Have your recycle boxes set out by 6:00 a.m. on your scheduled day.
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